All About Me
As an academic and researcher, I have the opportunity to explore topics that affect the many communities I am a part of and am connected to. My positionality in this space as a woman of color gives me insights into the ways critical bodies of knowledge remain inaccessible to those who is is about and most benefits. So I feel a personal obligation to help create opportunities for the exchange of knowledge between ivory tower and broader cultural contexts. This is why I created Intersections as a space to merge my personal passions with my professional training.

While I primarily have focused my research on the sexual health experiences of Latinx and Black women, I work in India investigating intimate partner violence, sexual literacy, and gender identity. I have also partnered with individuals and organization in a range of settings, including Affirming Youth Inc., Girl Power Inc., Lotus House Women's Shelter,, Public Health Research Institute of India, and Cyber Civil Right Initiative. Along with my peer-reviewed research publication, my work has appeared in various mainstream media outlets (see below).